Melo’s Scooby Doo Themed Party – 5th Birthday

“Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?” Please forgive me but I have that song stuck in my head – in repeat – ever since I saw Melo’s party. I mean, I was hoping you have this song in repeat, too (*cue: the evil laugh). Seriously though, just how cool is this theme? With the whole […]

Genie’s Princess Jasmine of Disney Aladdin Themed Party – 1st Birthday

When it comes to Disney Princess-themed parties, think royal balls, pastel colors, and beautiful florals with matching candelabras. But as we all know, our lovely Disney Princesses are more than that. Bringing another Disney Princess to life, I’m super excited that event stylist Kaye Garcia is the creative brain behind this lovely soiree. If you […]

Chloe’s Ever After High Themed Party – 7th Birthday

Did you ever wonder what would happen if our favorite fairytale stories did not end with the traditional “And they lived happily ever after”? I mean, would it be cool to know what happened to Cinderella and Prince Charming or Princess Aurora and Prince Philip after they got married? Ohh… what about The Little Red […]

Jaime’s Miles from Tomorrowland Themed Party – 3rd Birthday

Ready for another space adventure? If you’re a regular viewer of Disney Junior Channel, chances are you’ve seen this new show – Miles from Tomorrowland. Following the Callisto family’s inter-galactic journey, the show features their adventure-filled space exploration through the different planets while meeting new friends along the way. Basically, this show got 2 magic […]

Chase’s the Adventures of Tintin Themed Party – 1st Birthday

Looks like we’re going in for a very exciting adventure today as we tag along to Chase’s The Adventures of Tintin-themed party! Seriously, how cool is that? Filled with Tintin-approved details that scream nostalgia through and through, I just love how Pristine of Party Please made sure to squeeze in lots of cute elements to […]

Enzo’s Orange Farm Themed Party – 1st Birthday

Oh my gosh, guys! I think my head is spinning with excitement as I write this feature because this party definitely made it to my list of cutest and coolest parties featured here in the blog. The thing with kiddie parties is that there is no right or wrong when it comes to choosing the […]

Liam’s Junior Masterchef Themed Party – 1st Birthday

We’re cooking something today and it’s bear-y adorable! Forget eliminations because here in Liam’s party, everyone sure is a winner! Filled with exciting games, fun activities, yummy food carts and scrumptious desserts, stylist Kaye Garcia kicked the party bar a notch higher with her amazing styling prowess. To inject a dose of cuteness to this […]

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