If you’re someone who is into all things Harry Potter, then this bash is definitely for you. This first birthday party of our future potterhead will surely make you a little bit jelly. Styled by the Party People PH team, they were able to set the mood and make everyone excited for whatever magical experience that awaits them. Lucky for us, the event was perfectly captured by none other than the Rockin Due. So what are we waiting for?! Take out those hidden wand and let out that hidden wizards obsession. No one’s going to judge you here, I promise!
“Our event planner and stylist, Party People Ph conceptualized the decorations without overdoing the styling.” – Mommy Sarah
At the entrance, guests were greeted with these super cool Harry Potter starters. Our favorite bird, Hedwig, was also present to welcome Riley’s friends and relatives. Some bottles of potions were also displayed, a black leather bag to hide those fantastic beasts, the little wizard’s family picture, plus a good quote that all wizards can live by. But my favourite part of this area was the “Riley is One” board that gave us a glimpse about the birthday boy and all stuff that is making him happy. And of course, what else to complete this welcoming vibe but the famous 9 ¾ brick wall entrance to Hogwarts, perfected with the hanging pictures of the young wizard.

The stage was wonderfully set-up and looks like it came alive from a Harry Potter movie. The backdrop was composed of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’s logo, plus, the four logos that represent the four Houses in Hogwarts; the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Hedwig was again present at the stage, there’s also a sorting hat, a broomstick, potion bottles, and many more.

Who wouldn’t love these cute table centerpieces. From black bottle with a hanging golden snitch, a pole hanging the four Houses flags to a birthday greeting card and a standee letter “R”. Very simple to the eye, but just about right to make it Instagram-worthy!

Here’s the best part, the cake! Riley’s cake looks so pretty that it feels like it’s a sin to eat it! Now this one definitely deserves a post to your Instagram too. The sweet haven was designed with Harry Potter’s best of the best. We have Hedwig, Harry’s Gryffindor scarf, the golden snitch, and even Hogwarts pin was there! Good job Strawberry Sweets!

And hold on people, we’re not done with the sweet part yet. Prepared by the Go Delights Sweets, we have cake pops and biscuits that came in different sizes, shapes, and designs.

It’s isn’t a kiddie party without fun and activities, right? It looks like they had their own Quidditch match, a bubble show, and other fun stuff. Wands and robes were distributed to give that complete Hogwarts spirit feels – something that surely boosted the kids’ energy for the activities.

And lastly, they sent everyone home with these adorable butterbeer mugs and Gryffindor paper loot bags. So sweet!

Say “Hi!” to this little potterhead, Riley and his family.

For the full glimpse of the magic and fun, feel free to click and watch this video, guys!

Vendors who made it all happen:
Event Stylist: The Party People Ph // Photography: Rockin Duo // Video: JMS Eduardo Films // Cake: Sheryberry Sweets // Desserts: Go Delights Sweets // Caterer: Verleo’ // Host: Wanlu // Venue: Valle Verde 6 Clubhouse
Hi, our small company is thinking of having our christmas party in Valle Verde clubhouse, would it be possible to ask you guys for their contact details?