Riley’s Harry Potter Themed Party – 1st birthday

If you’re someone who is into all things Harry Potter, then this bash is definitely for you. This first birthday party of our future potterhead will surely make you a little bit jelly. Styled by the Party People PH team, they were able to set the mood and make everyone excited for whatever magical experience […]

Andy’s “Papa, please get the moon for me” Themed Party – 1st Birthday

“I wish I could play with the moon.” That’s what Monica thought trying to reach for the moon. It may not have been easy for Monica’s Papa to get the moon for her, but Bespoke Manila made it look like a piece of cake with their dramatic recreation of this children’s picture book for Andy’s […]

Andi’s Wizard of Oz Themed Party – 1st Birthday

Are you ready to go somewhere over the rainbow? Yes? Then wear your cutest ruby-red slippers and click your heels three times as Andi’s enchanted party take us to Land of Oz. A book that just never get old, each page is filled with adventures, magic and friendship. Dorothy’s story brings out the little child […]

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