Fiona and Freja’s Fancy Nancy Themed Party – 1st and 7th Birthday

Bonjour! They’re so fancy; you already know, remember their names… Fiona and Freja! These two sisters chose the theme Fancy Nancy for their party and may I say – C’est Magnifique! Fancy Nancy is a children’s book by Jane O’ Connor. She’s a young girl who adores all things extravagant. (For more info about the […]

Summer’s Peppa Pig Themed Party – 3rd Birthday

Nick Junior is airing a show with anthropomorphic mammals as their characters; with human attributes but still showing their animalistic side. Peppa the pig is the lead role in this popular series; it depicts stories about their daily lives like playing, studying and other activities which normal children their age would do. Our celebrant chose […]

Chelsea’s Sweet Shoppe Themed Party – 1st Birthday

When you’re craving for something sweet but can’t have them (read: damn calories!), posting a party that showcases its goodness is the next best thing. For Chelsea’s party, it has all the sweetness, cuteness and everything in between that truly made it a party to remember. Who am I kidding here? Pink, ice cream and […]

Ree’s Katy Perry-Inspired Candyland Party – 1st Birthday

It’s not a teenage dream but a baby girl’s dream that came to life as she had a Katy Perry-themed party. With an explosion of pastel-colored goodies all over the venue, this sweet and colorful birthday bash is simply fabulous. We all know what a candyland party looks like and of course, who wouldn’t know […]

Caleb’s Outer Space Themed Party – 1st Birthday

If you want a time out from nautical or traveler themed parties for your little dude then maybe you might want to give this fun theme a try. With a similar boyish charm than those of other transportation themed parties, this theme will definitely take your guests in an out of this world adventure. Using […]

Zara’s Baby Gatsby Themed Party – 1st Birthday

“Dress like Jackie. Act like Audrey. Inspire like Lilly. Party like Gatsby.” When we think of kiddie parties, we think of brightly colored balloons, fun cartoon characters complete with a lively host shouting on top of his lungs. Right? With glitz, glamour, and opulence as the very essence of this theme, Zara’s baby Gatsby-themed party […]

Ross’ Monopoly Themed Party – 1st Birthday

It’s fascinating how children’s parties are evolving, I mean it’s not only focused on the basics. With amazingly themed parties left and right, the details they use parties after parties are pure awesomeness. What better way to prove my point than this party… Welcome to Rossopoly! I’m sure most of you played this famous board […]

Kiel’s Kite-themed party – 1st Birthday

Is that a bird? A plane? It’s Kiel’s Kite party! What a fun and adventurous birthday celebration this is. Everyone participated in kite flying, it seems like everyone’s joy is as high as a kite! Nothing says summer like an outdoor party and with a smorgasbord of fabulous ideas, Kiel’s party will surely get you […]

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