Joie’s Cinderella before the Ball Themed Party – 1st Birthday

There are so many iconic moments that come to mind when we think of the Cinderella story. But how many times have you heard kids, when asked what they remember about the story, mention the mice friends or the rough chores Cinderella does around the house? There are probably very few, or none. And so […]

Celebrating Christmas on a Whole New Level: Different Traditions around the World

Celebrating Christmas on a Whole New Level: Different Traditions around the World and How It Can Be Your Next Christmas Party Idea When I hear the word Christmas, all I think of is, either a Christmas tree or Christmas ornaments. So, I thought, maybe Christmas is being celebrated around the world the same way as […]

Jorvis’ Baby TV The Jammers Themed Party – 1st Birthday

It sure was a jam-packed event, as the friendly quartet of piano, sax, violin and xylophone jammed with Jorvis at his birthday bash! The Jammers were brought to life straight from Baby TV into the party, thanks to Dianne Khu Designs. To make sure that this party will be a smashin’ hit, cute musical instruments […]

Audrey’s My Little Pony Themed Party – 4th Birthday

Let’s all take out the party cannons and kick this rainbow-rific bash into high gear! Audrey’s 4th birthday affair was all about charms, colors, and…. ponies! Nobody can deny the truism that girls love ponies. So it was no wonder why Audrey’s parents would throw a My Little Pony themed party for their little miss. […]

Jenna’s Yellow Ducky Themed Baby Shower

It’s a rub-a-dub-dub afternoon for lovely mommy Jenna, as family and friends gathered to celebrate the highly anticipated arrival of her baby boy. To make this special event spiffier, an adorable little guest was incorporated as the theme. It’s a yellow rubber ducky-themed baby shower! With ducky as its name, and versatility as its game, […]

Micaela’s Junior MasterChef Themed Party – 10th Birthday

Everyone’s in for a spoonful of treats, courtesy of Micaela’s Junior MasterChef-inspired party! Fans would be delighted to know that MasterChef is now being enjoyed not just as a tv show, but as a party theme as well. Foodie or not, one will definitely rave about the details in this event. There is no such […]

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