What better way is there to celebrate a special occasion than in an intimate gathering with family and friends? Here’s to testify that parties need not be lavish to be fun. We can always make our loved one’s day special without the hustle and bustle of preparing a jam-packed party program. The best part about opting for a simple celebration is that everyone — the guests and the family included — gets the time to relax. Rest assured that these unforgettable moments are captured, K Snaps Productions made sure they got our backs!
It was a strawberry cupcake-themed party for Maxene Lauren’s first birthday! Look at her adorable invites and those footies — instagram-worthy for cuteness overload!

These signboards probably gave you a strong hint on the theme. Without the ‘Drop your gifts here’ sign, I honestly thought that this brick wall would make a great photo-op background!

The pink and white elements set a refreshing and light mood in the venue.

For their stage setup, check out how dainty and sweet everything looks! I think it fits perfectly with this theme. They also displayed here these kiddie chairs that were wonderfully designed as cupcakes. Really cute, I must say!

A lot of us have extreme adoration for strawberries, including myself. Contrary to their bright red color, they are usually sweet. These strawberries look like they’re freshly picked from the garden, not to mention the flowers looking just as fresh!

The cake was simply decorated with strawberries looking like plushies on top. Adorable!

For dessert, here are snaps of cookies and cupcakes that were enjoyed by the guests. They all look yummy!

Now for a perfect photo-op backdrop, all these greens gave the installation a garden-ish setup which definitely did the trick!

Vendors who made it all happen:
Photos: K Snaps Productions
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