Bible Stories Theme Party Inspiration

God saw all that He had made, and it was very good- just like Julia’s first birthday bash! A book by Andy Holmes, this “My Great Big God”-inspired party was a great big success thanks to the awesome styling of Dianne Khu Designs who worked closely with Party Doll Manila to create this picture perfect event. A party that is one for the books (no pun intended), I’m sure that everyone was impressed by all that was made featuring God’s amazing creation.
God made two great lights- the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars- which were pretty hard to ignore against the rainbow ceiling lined with lanterns. I think that the interpretation of the sky was well suited for little Julia’s birthday, it was the perfect combination of whimsy and artful.

God called the dry ground “land” and the gathered waters He called “seas”. God saw that it was good- just like how the stage was beautifully curated to look over the sea of people who came to celebrate with Julia! From Adam and Eve peeping behind the grass to the sleeping tiger, the stage was absolutely gorgeous!

Just take look at this table setting, isn’t it divine? A pocket sized version of the book, the vibrant green plants, and even the little golden animals were details that only Dianne Khu could’ve thought of. Everything was tied in together from the elegantly folded napkins and the blush pink table cloth – simple yet pretty!

Let them eat cake! I know this wasn’t in the book but I’m sure that it was what everyone was thinking when they saw just how delicious this cake from Sugarplum Pastries was. This three layered cake embodied the overall theme of the celebration, which is God’s creation. It seems like God himself handpicked each star, flower, and butterfly just to be part of this awesome cake!

I love desserts as much as the next kid but this makes me love desserts even more. Cookies, cake pops, and cupcakes, what more could you possibly ask for?

Food, juice, and games- Julia’s party had everything a kid’s planet would be made of! I’m just not sure which made the kids happier, the activities or the munchies in between; maybe it was both!

Guests had a wonderful time taking IG-worthy photos in this larger than life replica of the book. The whole setup looks super adorbs!

Julia’s mom and dad would never let their guests leave empty handed, and these giveaways are just the cutest (and most practical thing) you could go home with. I mean, where else will you put your new book? Of course in your new tote!

What a perfect family, don’t you think? Julia’s mom and dad really wanted to make this day special just for her.

Vendors who made it possible:
Full planning and coordination by Party Doll Manila Events | Styling by Dianne Khu Designs | Photo and video by Nice Print Photography | Cake and desserts by Sugarplum Pastries | Host and magic show: Flooch | Catering by Albergus
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