Arnav’s World Themed Party 5th Birthday

Theme Park Party Ideas Here at Party Doll Manila, it’s not unusual to come across spectacular kiddie celebrations. But once in a while, we see something so grand, so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious that it simply takes our breath away! Arnav celebrated his fifth birthday with something that rivaled theme parks in grandiose, but in a smaller scale! […]

Jarett’s Willy Wonka Themed Party – 1st Birthday

Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory Party Ideas It all starts with a Golden Ticket… a sweet adventure awaits as one enters the magical and mysterious chocolate factory. Willy Wonka is one party inspiration that is guaranteed to bring a memorable time and a sweet whimsical experience. To be invited to party full of chocolates, […]

Yuna’s Retro Kitchen Inspired Party – 1st Birthday

Throughout the past few months, I’ve had the greatest pleasure of sharing some of the loveliest parties around the country and Yuna’s party is definitely right up in that alley. While it’s easy to assume that we’ve seen everything children’s parties have to offer, believe me, Yuna’s retro kitchen inspired party is outrageously pretty, over […]

Vayil’s Noah’s Ark Themed Party – Baptismal Celebration

Noah’s Ark is one of the more popular and well-loved Bible story of all-time. Little children everywhere can easily relate to Noah’s story and all those different animals that went inside the ark. It’s no surprise that Vayil’s parents chose this theme for their son’s baptismal celebration. When I first saw the sneak peek photos […]

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