The Boy Who Lived Theme Party Ideas

Expelliarmus! Who wouldn’t have chills hearing this ever famous spell by Harry Potter when he beat Voldemort? Every Harry Potter fanatic would fight for a day in Hogwarts School. Thanks to the creative hands of Party Magic team, going through a secret wall to this magical place was made possible. Get ready to teleport to the marvelous world of the boy who lived. Apparition!
Where to find a ticket to Platform 9/34? Here, here! The guests were greeted by this massive brick wall where they can go through like Harry.

Everyone is entitled to choose a wand before the party gets started.

Look! The Quidditch battle is up there! Go Team Gryffindor!

This is one of my favorite stage setups among all the parties I’ve been to. Harry became Basti on this special day through this huggable caricature. Dumbledore’s desk came to life in this recreation of his office. Around him of course are the witchcraft and wizardry essentials.

Just like the Hogwarts Study Hall, check out how they dine and mingle with style. Basti’s guest can read up the headline about Sirius Black’s escape from Azkaban. Hogwarts Apothecary is on standby in case anyone needs the Essence of Dittany.

Basti also showed us what alchemy is through his adorable birthday cake. No need for potion for us to fall in love with this beauty!

With those posters on the wall of the spread table, I wouldn’t know what to do first. Look and read or eat? These are more than enough for a sugar rush. The magic spells need not to be uttered anymore. These sweets are the best abracadabra!

Care for a quick game?

Friends and family did not miss a chance for a photo op at Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary down the Diagon Alley. Street names of significant places of Harry’s mystical world and its tiniest details are also here.

See Lemon Three Films’ party highlights here:

Vendors who made it all happen:
Venue: GreenMeadows Clubhouse // Event Stylist: Party Magic // Photographer: Little People Lifestyle Photography // Video: Lemon Three Films // Host: Erney Arcilla // Magician: Sir Leodini // Caterer: Passion Cooks // Cake & Desserts: SugarPlum Pastries // Food Carts: DreamTheme Events // Quidditch & Wand Making Booth: DreamTheme Events // Face Painting: Jop Villacarlos // Loot Box: Party Ready // Souvenirs: PhotoMan
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